Doodle Bug Web Designs

Helpful Tips To Burn Fats Efficiently While You Age

In today’s digital era with little time for people to eat and sleep we tend to put on weight causing us to become weight conscious. Our imbalanced diet along with a busy schedule makes us obese in the long run causing us to try any remedy possible, as we get older. People have very little or no time for exercises and workouts, let alone just finding time to take brisk long walks.

This in turn results in obesity, and also leading to other ailments like high blood pressure, diabetics etc. You do not lose a single pound after a terrific workout when you reach 40. This is because of the physical changes that take place in our body as we age. Although, CoolSculpting for the inner thighs & outer thighs as well as other treatments are helpful, it’s still wise to know some tips to burn fats by your own. Here are a few guidelines that will help your body shed the extra pounds even after 40 years of age.

After 40 our metabolism rate:

tends to get slower from 2% to 4% per decade and we have difficulty in shedding the extra weight. These simple but effective tactics of losing weight may be of help to you.

Muscle Gain Helps In Fat Reduction:

Shed your weight by making muscle in workouts. Men and women who did cardio exercise lost only 4 pounds and did not form any muscle. Whereas those who did only half the cardio exercise and gained muscle had lost 10 pounds and gained 2 pounds of muscle. This was the result of an 8-week research study, which showed muscle gain helped in losing more weight than just exercise. The more muscle you gain the more calories you burn.

Research says by this the metabolism rate becomes high thus lessening the fat factor. Eat five small meals instead of three large meals while on workouts so you will keep your metabolism high. When your metabolism is high it keeps insulin in control thus reducing the calories, which turns into fat thus helping in weight reduction.

Regular Exercises And Burning Fat :

When your heart rate ranges from 60% to 80% it gives you the most excellent results as far as burning calories and reducing fat. To help yourself with burning fat by not letting your workouts get stale and working all of your body instead of just parts of it, do not make your exercise class or workout schedules monotonous. Try to alter your workout every week, which creates a novelty in your daily routine enhancing your interest. For example first week of the month exercise with your upper body, the second week with your lower body, the third week change to new abs movement exercises and finally in the fourth week a different cardio exercises like walking instead of cycling. If exercising activity is not maintained then the level of fat shedding ability tends to come down.

Stop Hunger while Burning Fat:

Exercising on an empty stomach reduces the sugar level of the body increasing your hunger, which makes you crave for more food resulting in overeating. So always have a rich carbohydrate light snack about thirty to forty minutes before your workouts. Maintain a record of the food intake daily so as to ensure that you eat less calories but more of healthy fibrous food. Drinking plenty of water will help to reduce calories compared to consuming tea, coffee and soda.

All these strategies help you to lose and keep a check on your weight. As we get older our bodies slow down but that does not mean we cannot keep our bodies as lively as possible; so take the time to invest in exercise and your body will reward you, as you get older.


Richard Edwards is the head writer at Doodle Bug Web Designs. He has been writing for just five years and he already has an impressive audience.